5 Ways You Can Reach the Unreached Without Leaving Your Home

In these unprecedented times, it can feel like the world is on pause. Here are a few ideas for how you can DO something that makes an eternal impact without even getting off your couch.

  1. Take an online study about the unreached- Mandate will soon be hosting an online course called “Using Your Profession for the Kingdom”. OPEN USA hosts an online “B4T Champions” group for those ready to promote B4T in their local churches. Perspectives Online is also a great choice for anyone wanting to learn more about unreached people around the world.

  2. Pray for the unreached- The Joshua Project and Prayercast have wonderful resources to guide your prayer.

  3. Give to the Unreached- you can give online at www.gomandate.org!

  4. Teach your children- for those virtual schooling right now, seize the opportunity to teach your children about the unreached and the Great Commission.

  5. Send an encouraging word- You may not be able to “go” now, but your words can! Submit a contact form on our website titled “note for a missionary”, and we will get your words to those helping the unreached right now. Voice of the Martyrs also has an opportunity to send a note with a Bible to North Korea right now, so check their website for more information.

Stay safe, but don’t lose sight of the hope. Do your part to share it!
