Special Terms and Definitions

  • B4T (Business for Transformation). Businesses striving for profitability and sustainability, which are strategically placed in unreached areas. B4T businesses create jobs and bless the local community in Jesus’ name; generally through transformation, and specifically through evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. B4T Businesses are held accountable to two bottom lines; spiritual and economic impact in the local community.

  • BAM (Business as Mission). Business as mission is a term being used in Christian circles to describe the integration of ministry goals and business goals to make an impact for God’s Kingdom. As a strategy, BAM generally describes any for-profit business endeavor that seeks to reach people and communities for the glory of God and is not artificially supported by donor funds.

  • Bi-vocational. Someone who works 2 jobs, often one for pay and one as a volunteer worker or supported by donors – not a B4T worker.

  • Transformation. Referring to impacting a community in 4 measurable ways: spiritually, economically, socially, and environmentally.

  • Missionary. Someone who is paid or supported by churches and donors to serve God in another culture.

  • NGO – (Non-Governmental Organization). An organization that is not government sponsored, but is a non-profit charity. Christian organizations have multiple NGOs which do a variety of services, including providing medical services, education, job training, or giving aid to the poor. Many micro-enterprise development projects are also NGOs.

  • Platform. Often refers to business identity used by a worker/missionary as a means of legitimizing his/her presence and work among people in limited access contexts. In many cases these businesses are paper fronts or do not produce a profit. The worker is heavily dependent on donor funds. OPEN USA does not endorse platform strategies.

  • 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window forms a band encompassing Saharan and Northern Africa, as well as almost all of Asia (West Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia and much of Southeast Asia). Roughly two-thirds of the world’s population lives in 10/40 Window. This Window is populated by people who are predominantly Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Animist, Jewish, or atheist.

  • Tentmaker. A believer who intentionally takes a job with a company in another culture, is fully supported by that job, and strives to witness cross-culturally.

  • Worker / Cross-Cultural Worker. Descriptive of someone called to serve Jesus outside of his/her home culture.


What is B4T?