Vietnam, one of the few communist countries surviving into the 21st century, provides interesting contrasts. As the government moves to align itself with the western world, Vietnam’s 90 million citizens seem to have much freedom. Buddhism, long the country’s main religion, is again growing in influence. The church is also growing. While traditional missionaries are not welcome, Mandate and other like-minded organizations are able to enter, providing educational and social services along with discreet witness. 


Evangelical Christians make up about 1.8 percent of the peoples of Vietnam.
Vietnam holds the #16 spot on the World Watch List for persecution of Christians—ahead of its communist neighbor, China
The deepest spiritual allegiance in Vietnam is the veneration and worship of ancestors that runs deepest and across most religious practices.
Vietnam is the largest exporter of cashews in the world, and the second largest exporter of rice.




The government of Vietnam officially encourages its people to learn English as a second language as a means of propelling the nation onto the international scene. This provides a number of opportunities for ESL teachers.

  • We have opportunities for North American English speakers to teach in an after school program for school-age (4-17) children. This program emphasizes spoken English and has been very successful.
  • One of Mandate’s partners in Vietnam has been offered a contract with the government to supply ESL teachers to every public school in the country. 
  • One of the English departments in the University of Danang would like M.A. level ESL teachers to team with their own classroom instructors to produce the best possible English speakers.