What STILL drives disciples?
From the earliest disciples to our day, we can trace the links of faith in Christ and an unbroken belief that He is the only way of salvation for anyone, anywhere. From recent martyr John Allen Chau to David Brainerd to Jim Elliot to apostle Simon Peter to Jesus Christ himself, and so many in between.
I am concerned with recent trends in evangelical theology which allow for people to be saved without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In my heart, I would love to believe that God will give the unreached a second chance, or that He has already provided a way for them to be saved without Christ. I cannot find any clear proof of this in the Bible or in church history.
Theologian Ronald Nash writes, "Evangelicals believe that Jesus is the only Savior. There is no other Savior and no other religion . . . that can bring human beings to the saving grace of God."
I cannot, in good faith or conscience, presume on God's grace or my own soft heart and sit complacently in my seat while millions of people die without any opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ!
What drives Christ's disciples today? The most obvious answer is that we believe that without Christ, there is no hope for salvation. We know that everyone who does not have faith in Christ is lost and condemned. No one can gain eternal life without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Knowing this, we also realize our responsibility -- our privilege -- to share this good news with those who do not yet know.