Pray for Ukraine
Dear Lord,
We bow down before you to worship you, to praise you and acknowledge You as our God and King. We would like to thank you for the freedom to preach Your Word in Ukraine. The Harvest Festival has become a culmination. When was it possible for nearly 500 thousand believers to gather in mutual praise and joy to celebrate your abundant blessings in the very heart of our capital?!?
Lord, we are thankful to you for your limitless provision. Though it is war in our country, a lot of people suffer, many lost their houses, many lost and continue losing their loved ones, others are in constant fear for the lives of those, who protect our peaceful sleep at the borders, the church is united in this need. We are not aside. Learning from you, a lot of chaplains are at the front among the soldiers to support and mentor, the caring hands of volunteering Christians reveal the merciful and healing touch from you, our Heavenly Father, for many injured and wounded in the battles or bring food for cut off villages and minister to the elderly. Please, refill us with your love and raise our tired hands to keep up!
Father, Ukraine is in the process of integrating to Europe, which, again, is a serious challenge for the church, will the church be strong enough to stand against the new European values, will it be able to influence and protect the normal family life values? Tolerance leads to apathy and depresses initiative in ministry. We always lacked dedicated active ministers and now we need them even more. Please, send workers to your field to do the work, to teach, equip and strengthen the believers, to be burning. Protect us from becoming lukewarm.
Our historic background is that Ukrainians do not trust the government, treat it as a repressive apparatus. Whereas, now we are in a desperate need to use our state and civil rights and freedoms for more effective preaching of the Gospel. Father, please change our minds to fulfill your will for our lives. Bless Ukraine. Bring peace to our land. Let us kneel before you in humbleness, trust and rest that all our lives are in your loving hands.
May You be glorified in our lives, churches and country.