Partner Update
Imagine the anxiety of watching flood waters rise. For most of us the anxiety would be solely over the loss of our property and for our safety. Imagine, however, if these floods meant you could lose your livelihood and ministry. As storm after storm have pounded one of our Asia partners, their farm is in jeopardy.
Flooding for this location means several things. First, it threatens the financial viability of the farm, harming the crop and lessening their potential sales this year. Not being able to make ends meet means not being able to stay open. Second, flooding is threatening homes. Not only their homes (to allow them to stay) but the homes of employees and locals whom they have been praying for and strategically reaching out to. These relationships have resulted in past church plants that are thriving, so for this to continue both their dwellings and those of the locals must be salvageable.
Troubles like these are common to workers for the Great Commission all over the world, but we hold on to the promise given in John 16:33, ““I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
We need your prayers this week! Pray for the flooding to stop. Pray also for the homes of the locals to be spared. Pray for supernatural favor on the output of the farm this year- both in spiritual fruit and in product. Also pray for encouragement for the team, as they sit without power, watching the waters rise. Your prayers make a difference!