One challenge for growing populations is food supply. Agricultural workers, in all areas of food supply, are needed to help introduce new farming techniques and geographically appropriate crops and livestock, meeting current needs and ensuring a prosperous future.
No matter what a farm or farmer produces, there are some basics of management which can be taught and applied to make the output more productive. The best people to train farmers are farmers, whose experience can help them cross the cultural barriers with a mutually shared understanding and respect.
Current Opportunities
In areas of traditional family and subsistence farming, cross-cultural workers can help introduce new strains of traditional crops or even new (to the area) crops to continue feeding individual families, provide excess for sale and income, and increase food supply for growing populations.
Current Opportunities
Whether cattle, swine, fish, or poultry, livestock can provide an increasing portion of the world’s food supply. Experienced livestock farmers are needed for short and longer contracts to help introduce newer breeds and better techniques for care and feeding.
Current Opportunities